可由一楼直接进入新设的安检区,增加了候机座位,更多商家入驻 No more waving goodbye to Mom and Dad as you glide up the escalator to security at St. John’s International Airport. Four years of construction …
Your phone rings. It’s an area code you don’t recognize. When you pick up, the scare tactics start, pushing you to part with your money — or face the consequences. Whil…
The Metrobus service in St. John’s is setting up a series of “smart” kiosks that will allow bus users to get Wi-Fi and charge their phones while waiting for their…
先不废话,上APP下载链接 来源: The search for spare change could be behind people par…
Newfie (also Newf or sometimes Newfy) is a colloquial term used in Canada for someone who is from Newfoundland. Some Newfoundlanders consider “Newfie” a slur fro…
McDonald’s is looking to cash in on one of eastern Canada’s most beloved dishes. Starting Tuesday, McDonald’s restaurants through Atlantic Canada will offer a fis…
The Newfoundland and Labrador government is making moves to ensure taxis are roadworthy and cabbies are capable of driving safely — but has stopped short of requiring background ch…
编者按:不是“不能持护照登机”,而是“用什么证件购票,就应该用同一证件登机”。 大家可能最近被朋友圈的各种公众号以及微博上散布的消息弄乱了阵脚:包括搜狐在内的多家媒体报导,自5.8号起使用护照、港澳通行证将不能在中国境内乘坐飞机,一时间很多海外华人都入热锅上的蚂蚁,担心自己回家的时候会遇到种种阻力。 而牧羊博士之前在本站曾经解读过,在加拿大境内乘机的有效证件…
2020-3-20:受COVID-19影响,即日起本站暂停接送机预约服务,恢复日期另行通知。 据粗略估计,自本站推出St. John’s(YYT)机场接送机服务以来,已经服务累积超过200人次,并广受好评。 关于本站的接送机服务性质,这里再做一个简单说明。MUNCNSTU.com提供的接送机服务宗旨是”方便同学“,盈利不是目的。本站是在供需两个方…
四省出售的Robin Hood面粉被发现细菌污染
概要:10kg装、最佳赏味期为April 17, 2018的Robin Hood品牌面粉(UPC 0 59000 01652 8)正被召回。