四省出售的Robin Hood面粉被发现细菌污染

概要:10kg装、最佳赏味期为April 17, 2018的Robin Hood品牌面粉(UPC 0 59000 01652 8)正被召回。

四省出售的Robin Hood面粉被发现细菌污染

There have been 25 cases of E. coli infections linked to a recalled batch of Robin Hood brand all-purpose flour, the Public Health Agency of Canada says.

The flour in 10-kilogram bags was sold in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

It was recalled Tuesday by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) after it was determined some of the flour was contaminated with E. coli O121.

The 25 cases of illness occurred in four provinces — 12 in B.C., four in both Alberta and Saskatchewan, and five in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Six people required hospitalization, the Public Health Agency said Wednesday in a release.

“These individuals have recovered or are recovering,” the agency said.

A spokesperson for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said it is looking into how the flour, which was sold in Western Canada, ended up making people sick in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The agency said any 10-kilogram bags of Robin Hood brand all-purpose flour with a best-before date of April 17, 2018, should be thrown out or returned to the store.

The recalled product’s UPC is 0 59000 01652 8.

According to the company that produces Robin Hood flour, the recalled product was produced at a mill in Saskatoon.

“The investigation is ongoing and it is possible that additional products linked to the outbreak investigation may be identified,” the health agency said.

Symptoms of E. coli poisoning can include nausea, vomiting, mild to severe abdominal cramps, and watery to bloody diarrhea&nbsp


上一篇 2017年3月29日 上午11:34
下一篇 2017年4月1日 下午6:07


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