

McDonald’s is looking to cash in on one of eastern Canada’s most beloved dishes.

Starting Tuesday, McDonald’s restaurants through Atlantic Canada will offer a fish and chips meal, a two-piece serving of wild-caught battered Atlantic haddock, served with McDonald’s fries and a special tartar dipping sauce.

At one St. John’s location, it currently costs $6.99 for the meal without a drink and $7.99 with a drink included.

It’s the first time McDonald’s has offered fish and chips on a wide scale in the region, and the restaurant expects it to be a success.

Runs until August

The promotion will run until Aug. 20, and during that time McDonald’s Canada estimates it will use about 32,400 pounds of haddock, which will be from the waters off Nova Scotia.

“The Atlantic haddock used in the fish and chips meal is supplied by High Liner Foods out of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia,” the company wrote in a press release.

“Harvested from Canadian waters off of Nova Scotia, the fish is certified by the Marine Stewardship Council to be sustainably caught. That certification is based on strict auditing processes to determine that every fishery has been assessed on its specific impacts to wild fish populations and their ecosystems.”&nbsp

本文来自CBC News。本文观点不代表Chinese Students at MUN立场,转载请联系原作者。


上一篇 2018年5月26日 上午11:30
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