很多朋友不清楚信用卡带的一些保险有何作用,如何触发理赔。小编在此以涵盖特别全面的AmEx Platinum Card为例简要解读。首先说明,要理赔这些保险,涉及商品服务交易的,需要提供商品/服务收据(大宗高价值的务必保存好)以及当期信用卡账单(设置电子账单随时调阅),同时要求信用卡账户active(销卡销户前请三思/消费时想好用哪张)。至于哪些卡带哪几种保险,请移步“信用卡”版。以下英文材料摘自AmEx页面。
Emergency Medical Insurance (Out of province/country)
Provides coverage for eligible emergency medical expenses incurred while traveling outside your Canadian province or territory of residence, for the first 15 consecutive days of each trip, up to a maximum of $5,000,000 per insured person, for all insured persons under the age of 65.
Car Rental Theft Damage Insurance
Save money when travelling with complimentary Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance. Where allowed by law, you will be automatically covered for damage or theft of your rental car with an MSRP of up to $85,000. To take advantage of this protection, simply decline the Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) or similar option offered by the car rental company, and fully charge your rental to your Platinum Card. There’s no additional charge for this coverage, and you save yourself the daily insurance fee (usually $16 to $23 per day) charged by the car rental company.
还是那句话,在damage发生的第一时间给信用卡公司打电话set up case,越快越好,并拿到case file number。
大多数情况下,信用卡上的租车险是可以cover大部分拖车费用的。所以在租车时不必额外购买road assistance。
需要提供的材料:租车当月statement(或者已经post的信用卡交易截图),租车合同agreement,租车行提供的damage report/repair cost,损坏车辆照片(可以全程请租车行提供)
Flight Delay Insurance
Charge your airline ticket to your Platinum Card and receive up to $1,000 coverage (aggregate maximum with Baggage Delay Insurance) for hotel, motel, restaurant expenses and other sundry items.
当航班延误超过四小时,或者合理推断将要超过四小时时,请第一时间致电信用卡公司set up a case,获得case number
贴士:对于AmEx——让客服转到insurance claim
需要提供的材料,越详尽越好:信用卡公司提供的claim form,购票、消费的receipt,航司开具的延误证明(有时可以索取Military Excuse),相关航班登机牌,买机票当月statement(或者直接在online service截图购票交易记录)
Aeroplan积分票——用CIBC Aerogold Visa Infinite/TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite或这两个系列中更高级的Visa Infinite Privilege支付税费,则可以享受航班延误保障。其他信用卡支付税费均不保障。
Westjet Dollar兑换的机票——用RBC Westjet World Elite MasterCard支付余款可以享受航班延误保障。
AmEx Fixed Points Travel Program兑换的机票——用带延误险的AmEx卡片支付余款税费可以享受保障。
AmEx Aeroplan/Air Miles联名卡—可以保障使用卡片支付税费的同项目里程票
五大行自家积分项目(如Scotia Rewards、BMO Rewards)兑换的机票——使用带有延误险的对应Program卡片支付余款税费可以享受保险,请自行查阅确认。因为这些航司的“兑换”操作实际是先付全款,然后兑换的积分被作为credit返到账上。对于Scotiabank/CIBC,全款>=75%。
Baggage Delay Insurance
Book a flight with your Platinum Card and receive up to $1,000 coverage (aggregate maximum with Flight Delay Insurance) for all immediate daily reasonable and necessary emergency purchases, made within four days, for essential clothing and sundry items when your baggage on your outbound trip is delayed by six or more hours.
Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance
When you fully charge your airline tickets to your Platinum Card you can receive up to $1,000 coverage for loss or damage to your luggage or personal effects while in transit.
Hotel/Motel Burglary Insurance
Charge your Hotel/Motel arrangements to your Platinum Card and receive automatic coverage of up to $1000 against the loss of most personal items if your hotel/ motel is burglarized.
$500,000 Travel Accident Insurance
Up to $500,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance covers you, your spouse and dependent children under the age of 23 when any of you travel on a common carrier (plane, train, bus or ship) and charge your tickets to your Platinum Card. Supplementary Cardmembers, their spouses and dependent children under age 23 are also covered.
Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption
Trip cancellation
When you fully charge your travel arrangements to your Platinum Card this coverage provides for the reimbursement of the non-refundable pre-paid travel arrangements, up to $1,500 per insured person to a maximum coverage up to $3,000 for all insured persons combined when you cancel a trip for a covered reason.
- 医疗方面,当事人(或配偶、直系亲属)身故重疾;其他被医生认为不应进行旅行的情况
- 非医疗方面,因不可抗力产生的客观因素。不包括商业上的因素。
需要提供的材料(部分):购票信用卡statement,购票成功的收据证明,退票成功的收据证明(证明你退票了,但由于是penalty/partial refund/non-refundable产生了损失)
Trip Interruption
When you fully charge your travel arrangements to your Platinum Card this coverage provides for the non-refundable unused portion of your prepaid travel arrangements, as well as transportation up to $1,500 per trip per insured person up to a maximum of $6,000 for all insured persons combined should your trip be interrupted or delayed for a covered reason.
Purchase Protection Plan
Automatically, without registration, insures your eligible purchases against accidental physical damage and theft when you use your Platinum Card.
解读:购物保障。大部分信用卡都带有此保险。一小部分卡片不带,典型的是TD/Scotiabank学生卡、入门卡。用卡支付商品货款,一定时间内(一般是90天,少数如Capital One的卡提供120天)商品如果发生意外物理损坏或者失窃,可以理赔损失。一般是理赔维修费用,如果不能维修,则理赔商品价格。有理赔上限。特殊商品,如汽车不在此保障范围。损坏需要由厂商或其指定服务商开具维修报价或鉴定书;失窃需要报警并由警方开具证明。
Buyer’s Assurance Protection Plan
This plan automatically doubles the manufacturer’s original warranty up to one additional year when you charge the full price on eligible purchases to your Platinum Card. This applies to products purchased with the Card anywhere in the world, provided the manufacturer’s warranty is valid in Canada and the U.S. and does not exceed five years. Jewelry, motorized vehicles, and their parts are excluded in this coverage. You will need approval before any repairs will be covered. Replacement and repair costs are limited to $10,000 per eligible item up to a maximum of $25,000 per Cardmember per policy year for all occurrences combined.
解读:延保,也叫Extended warranty。用卡支付商品全款,商品保修延长一倍,最多延长一年。少数卡片,如BMO Cashback WEMC最多能延长两年。需要理赔时,一般是由厂家出具维修报价,赔付维修费用。
注意,不同信用卡有各自的Exclusion,比如Rogers WEMC的一年延保不cover手机。建议大家自行查看手头的小册子。
- 行李丢失失窃★★★★★
- 行李延误★★★★★
- 航班延误★★★★★
- 租车险★★★★★
- 省外医疗★★★★☆
- 购物险★★★★☆
- 延保★★★★☆
- 旅行意外★★★☆☆
- 住店失窃★★★☆☆
- 旅行取消★★☆☆☆
- 旅行中断★★☆☆☆