即日起MUN self-service接受Visa支付

即日起MUN self-service接受Visa支付

Effective June 13, 2018, Memorial University can accept MasterCard and Visa through Memorial Self-Service as methods of payment for student accounts.

This service is made available through Moneris, the company processing Memorial’s credit card transactions. Payment must made through Memorial Self-Service and is subject to a 1.95 per cent convenience fee charged by Moneris on each transaction. The change only applies to online payments. The Cashier’s or Bursar’s offices still cannot accept credit cards for in person student account payments. More information about Moneris’ convenience fees can be found at here.

In addition to payment by credit card, students continue to have the following no cost or low cost options to make payments on their accounts:

  • online or telephone banking
  • wire transfer of funds for international students
  • payment by mail with cheque, money order or bank draft
  • payment in person with debit, cash, cheque, money order or bank draft
  • scholarships credited directly to a student’s account
  • payment via Canada Student Loan
  • payment through tuition voucher

Note: Memorial University continues to accept MasterCard and Visa, without a convenience fee, for payments such as application fees, residence application fees and residence deposits, purchases at university bookstores and for donations.



RBC British Airways Visa Infinite – 刷$5,000拿到最多50,000英航Avios点数;如果从其他信用卡转卡,额度要达到$5,000

RBC Cathay Pacific Visa Platinum – 刷$6,000拿到最多35,000亚万奖励点数;转卡无额度要求。关于转卡细节,欢迎加主页君微信muncnstu详解


顺便提一下另一种交学费的方式:交学费也能创造收益 Plastiq/PayTM简介 (Plastiq目前有Promo,请看加拿大信用卡及周边动态资讯精选“相关资讯”第七条)。这里还有一个关于AmEx Cobalt Card的衍生玩法,篇幅限制,就不展开了……想知道的可以单独找主页君聊&nbsp


上一篇 2018年6月17日 上午8:45
下一篇 2018年6月19日 下午11:32


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